Online PG Dip: 20 Weeks; Online PG Cert: 10 Weeks; Dip PG: 10 Days

20-Week  Online Postgraduate Diploma; 10-Week Online Postgraduate Certificate (Video-Enhanced).

Gain a Postgraduate Diploma in 20 weeks or a Postgraduate Certificate in 10 weeks, in the comfort of your home or office. These durations are based on direct lecturer contact of 3 hours per day and 6 days per week. You might study an Online Postgraduate Diploma Course, in 20 weeks, or an Online Postgraduate Certificate, in the comfort of your homes, through HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute’s Video-Enhanced Online Delivery. We will deliver the 360 hours and 180 hours ‘Direct-Lecturer-Contact’, for the Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate, respectively, as are required by our Institute’s Regulation, within the stipulated 20 or 10 weeks. We aim to fit the tuition around your work and leisure, thereby enhancing your effective ‘Life-Style Balance’, at times convenient to you and your appointed tutor. All short courses accumulate to a Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma, with the required number of Credit-Hours. All Postgraduate Short Courses accumulate to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 180 Credit-Hours and Postgraduate Diploma, with 360 Credit-Hours. Apart from Predesigned Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma, we can customise these Awards, for you. You might also pick and match your Postgraduate Short Courses, to form Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma.


 Our Online (Video-Enhanced)  Study Mode

 In a move away from the traditional online courses and embracing recent developments in Computer-Mediated Distance Education (Crawford, 2003), HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute has introduced a Video-Enhanced Online delivery. This Online mode of delivery is revolutionary and, at the time of writing, is unique to our Institute.

 Our Video-Enhanced On-Line Mode is similar to being in a classroom – but virtually.

The tutor meets the individual or group, via Video and presents the course, in a similar manner to the classroom-based delivery;

Participants will see and interact with each other, and with the tutor.

They watch and discuss the various video cases and demonstration videos that form an integral part of our courses and programmes;

Their assessment is structured in a similar way to its classroom-based counterpart;

Each Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate, or Diploma - Postgraduate - Short Course usually starts on the 1st of each month, with the cut-off date being the 20th, for inclusion in the following month’s intake.

Despite taking twice as many days as its classroom-based rival, it amounts to the same number of Credit-Hours. For example, a 5-day (30 Credit Hours) classroom-based course will last 10 days, in Video-Enhanced On-Line mode. This calculation is based on 3 hours tuition per day, in line with the Institute’s required 30 Credit Hours;

Postgraduate Diploma Programme Deliveries last 20 weeks, while Postgraduate Certificate is of a 10-week duration, based on lectures of 3 hours per day, 6 days per week;

The cost of the Video-Enhanced On-Line mode is 67% of the classroom-based programme or course.

Like their classroom-based counterparts, our online Postgraduate Short Courses accumulate to a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma, within a 6-year period, Both Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma might also be gained through direct-entry. The table below provides an indication of Credit-Hours, and Award, with Credit-Value - where appropriate.

The following are examples of our Video-Enhanced Online Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate Programmes and Diploma - Postgraduate Short Courses


Course Duration, Credit-Hours and Award (Examples): Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate, and Diploma - Postgraduate

5 Days;30 Credit-Hours; Diploma - Postgraduate

6 Days;36 Credit-Hours; Diploma - Postgraduate

10 Days;60 Credit-Hours; Diploma - Postgraduate (Double-Credit)

15 Days;90 Credit-Hours; Diploma - Postgraduate (Triple-Credit)

20 Days;120 Credit-Hours; Diploma - Postgraduate (Quad-Credit)

25 Days;150 Credit-Hours; Diploma - Postgraduate (Five-Credit)

30 Days (6 Weeks);180 Credit-Hours; Postgraduate Certificate {or Diploma - Postgraduate (Six-Credit)

60 Days (3 Months or 12 Weeks); 360 Credit-Hours; Postgraduate Diploma


Cumulative Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate Courses

All short courses can accumulate to the required number of hours, for the Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate, over a six-year period, from the first registration and applies to both general and specialist groupings. In this regard, it is important to note that short courses vary in length, the minimum being 5 days (Diploma – Postgraduate) – equivalent to 30 Credit Hours, representing one credit, as is tabulated below.


On this basis, the definitive calculation on the Award requirement is based on the number of hours studied (aggregate credit-value), rather than merely the number of credits achieved. This approach is particularly useful when a student or delegate studies a mixture of courses of different credit-values.

For those delegates choosing the accumulative route, it is advisable that they study at least two credits be attempted per year, towards a Postgraduate Diploma, and one credit annually, for Postgraduate Certificate.   This target will ensure that the required number of Credit-Hours are achieved for each Award, within the stipulated time-frame.  


Programme and Course Coordinator:        

Prof. Dr. R. B. Crawford is Programme and Course Coordinator. He is the Director of HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution, and has the following Qualifications and Affiliations:

Doctor of Philosophy {(PhD) {University College London (UCL) - University of London)};

MEd Management (University of Bath);

Postgraduate (Advanced) Diploma Science Teacher Ed. (University of Bristol);

Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems (University of West London, formerly Thames Valley University);

Diploma in Doctoral Research Supervision, (University of Wolverhampton);

Teaching Certificate;

Fellow of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Human Resources Specialist, of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Member of the Asian Academy of Management (MAAM);

Member of the International Society of Gesture Studies (MISGS);

Member of the Standing Council for Organisational Symbolism (MSCOS);

Member of ResearchGate;

Executive Member of Academy of Management (AOM). There, his contribution incorporates the judging of competitions, review of journal articles, and guiding the development of conference papers. He also contributes to the Disciplines of:

Human Resources;

Organization and Management Theory;

Organization Development and Change;

Research Methods;

Conflict Management;

Organizational Behavior;

Management Consulting;

Gender & Diversity in Organizations; and

Critical Management Studies.

Professor Dr. Crawford has been an Academic in the following UK Universities:

University of London (Royal Holloway), as Research Tutor;

University of Greenwich (Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

University of Wolverhampton, (Wolverhampton Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

London Southbank University (Business School), as Lecturer and Unit Leader.

His responsibilities in these roles included:

Doctoral Research Supervisor;

Admissions Tutor;

Postgraduate and Undergraduate Dissertation Supervisor;

Programme Leader;

Personal Tutor.

He was formerly an Expatriate at:

Ministry of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria;

Ministry of Science and Technical Education, Sokoto, Nigeria;

University of Sokoto, Nigeria;

College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria; and

Former Editor-In-Chief of ‘Sokoto Journal of Education’.




Last modified: 07/01/24